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Hiking the Appalachian Trail: Complete Gear List

Hiking the Appalachian Trail: Complete Gear List

Hiking the Appalachian Trail is a thrilling challenge that many outdoor adventurers dream of. To conquer the 2,200-mile journey, hikers need to be prepared with the right gear to withstand the terrain, weather conditions, and daily activity. So, if you're considering this legendary trek, join us to learn about the essential gear needed for a successful hike.

Essential Gear

When planning a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trial, having essential gear will make your journey safe, comfortable and enjoyable. Essential gear includes backpacks, shelter and sleep systems, cooking and drinking supplies, footwear and clothing, rain gear and hats, and navigation and safety equipment.

Backpacking Equipment

Before you set out on the Appalachian Trail, you've got to have the right equipment. A great Appalachian Trail experience starts with a quality backpacking equipment.

When choosing a backpack, look for one that's spacious, tough, and lightweight. You should also choose a backpack that is comfortable to wear, with padded shoulder straps and a padded back panel to help distribute the weight evenly.

Shelter and Sleep System

Your shelter and sleep system are crucial to your comfort and safety on the Appalachian Trail. A shelter and sleep system is made up of several pieces of equipment, including a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and sleeping liner. Choosing the right gear will depend on your personal preferences and the weather you may encounter while on the trail.

Sleeping Pad

A sleeping pad provides cushioning and insulation between you and the ground. It's important to choose a sleeping pad that is comfortable, lightweight, and durable. Sleeping pads come in two types: air pads and foam pads. Air pads are lightweight and easy to pack, while foam pads are more durable and provide better insulation.

Sleeping Liner

A sleeping liner is a lightweight piece of fabric that is placed inside your sleeping bag to add insulation and keep your bag clean. Sleeping liners come in a variety of materials, including cotton, silk, and synthetic fabrics. They are a great investment for backpackers who want to preserve their sleeping bag and stay warm on cold nights.

Cooking and Drinking Supplies

Having the right cooking and drinking supplies is essential for any backpacking trip. You will need a stove and fuel, a cook pot and lid, utensils, and a water filtration system. These items will allow you to prepare meals, boil water and stay hydrated while on the trail.


When choosing a stove, you should consider the type of fuel you want to use, the size and weight of the stove and the level of control you want over the flame. There are three main types of backpacking stoves: canister stoves, liquid fuel stoves, and wood-burning stoves. Canister stoves are lightweight and easy to use, while liquid fuel stoves are more versatile and can be used in extreme weather conditions. Wood-burning stoves are great for backpackers who want to reduce their carbon footprint and are camping in areas with ample wood fuel.

Footwear and Clothing

Footwear and clothing are important pieces of gear for the best experience on the trail. You will need hiking shoes, clothing layers, socks, and rain gear.

Hiking Shoes

When choosing hiking shoes, you should consider the terrain you will be hiking on, the amount of support and cushioning you need, and the level of breathability you want in your footwear. The different types of hiking shoes include: trail runners, hiking shoes, and hiking boots. Trail runners are lightweight and offer minimal support, while hiking boots are the heaviest and offer the most support and cushioning.

Clothing Layers

Base Layer

Your base layer is the layer of clothing that is closest to your skin. It should be made of a moisture-wicking fabric that will keep you dry and comfortable. There are two main types of base layers: synthetic and wool. Synthetic base layers are lightweight and fast-drying, while wool base layers are natural and provide good insulation. Layers like merino wool or merino wool blends can be worn for extended periods of time, due to their natural anti-microbial properties, meaning more wearing and less washing while you're on your hike.

Insulating Jacket

Your insulating jacket is the layer of clothing that protects you from the elements. It should be lightweight, compressible, and made of a material like down or synthetic insulation. When choosing an insulating jacket, consider the temperature range you will be hiking in and the amount of insulation you need.

Rain / Wind Jacket

Your rain / wind jacket will keep you dry in wet weather and protected from the wind. It should be lightweight, breathable, and made of a waterproof / windproof fabric like Gore-tex or eVent. A good rain / wind jacket is an essential piece of gear for any backpacker.

Fleece Midlayer

Your fleece midlayer is the layer of clothing that will provide extra warmth on cold days. It should be lightweight, compressible, and made of a material like polyester or fleece. A fleece midlayer is a good investment for hiking in colder climates.


Your socks are an often-overlooked piece of gear. Look for socks made of a moisture-wicking material like wool or synthetic blends. Merino wool socks are an excellent choice because they are soft, warm, and naturally moisture-wicking.

Rain Gear and Hats

Rain gear and hats are essential for withstanding unpredictable weather. You should choose rain gear that is lightweight, compressible, and made of a waterproof fabric like Gore-Tex or event. Your hat should provide protection from the sun and the rain. A good hat should be lightweight, breathable, and made of a moisture-wicking material like nylon, wool or polyester.

Navigation and Safety Equipment

Navigation and safety equipment are essential for hikers to find their way on the trail. You will need maps and navigation tools, a first aid kit and hygiene supplies, and emergency equipment.

Maps and Navigation Tools

When hiking in unfamiliar territory, it's important to have a map and navigation tools like a compass or GPS. You should choose a map that is accurate, up-to-date, and easy to read. A compass or GPS will help you navigate through difficult terrain and keep you on the right path. If you choose GPS, make sure you bring backup batteries or a solar battery charger along with you, to keep your device powered.

First Aid Kit and Hygiene Supplies

A first aid kit and hygiene supplies are essential for any backpacking trip and especially on a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. Look for first aid kits that are lightweight, compact and contain all the necessary items for treating injuries like blisters, cuts and burns. Hygiene supplies like hand sanitizer, toilet paper and wet wipes will keep you clean and healthy on the trail.

Emergency Equipment

Emergency equipment like a whistle, signal mirror and emergency blanket can be lifesaving if you find yourself in a dangerous situation. You should choose emergency equipment that is lightweight, compact and easy to access in case of an emergency.

By packing all of the essential gear, you'll have a safe and comfortable backpacking trip. Remember to choose the right gear for your personal preferences, climate, and terrain, and always practice Leave No Trace principles.

Optional and Comfort Gear

Hiking the Appalachian Trail is not just about getting from point A to point B. It's also about experiencing the astounding natural beauty of the Eastern United States and making memories that will last a lifetime. That's why optional and comfort gear are important to enhance your overall hiking experience. Here are some items that you might consider bringing along:


While it's great to get away from technology and disconnect from the online world, bringing along some electronics can be helpful in certain situations. For example, a smartphone with a backup battery can be a lifesaver in case of emergencies. You can also use your smartphone as a GPS device or to take photos of your trip.

Smartphone and backup battery

A smartphone with a backup battery can be helpful in many ways. You can use it as a GPS device to navigate your way through the trails. You can also use it to call for help in case of emergencies. Additionally, you can take photos and videos to capture the beauty of nature around you.


A camera helps you capture the stunning scenery on your hiking trip. Whether you prefer a point-and-shoot camera or a more sophisticated DSLR, having a camera will preserve memories you'll cherish for years to come.


A headlamp is essential for any overnight hiking trip, giving you the power to traverse the trails even in the darkest of nights. Additionally, it can be used to read a book or a map inside your tent without disturbing any fellow hikers.

Personal items

Some personal items can greatly enhance your comfort level during the hike. Here are some items that you might consider bringing along:

Lightweight furniture

Lightweight camp furniture like a portable camping chair or a hammock can be a game-changer. You can easily take a break whenever you feel tired. Additionally, it can be used to sit and relax while having a snack or reading a book.

Trekking poles

Trekking poles are great for any hiker, regardless of their skill level. They provide additional support and stability on steep or rocky terrain. Trekking poles can even be used to test the depth of a river or stream before you attempt to cross it.

Journal and Reading Material

If you want to document your hiking trip and preserve your memories, a a journal is a great choice. You can write down your thoughts, feelings, and observations about the trip. Additionally, you can bring along some reading material for entertainment during the downtime.

Water Purification

Carrying a water purification system is a must on any hiking trip. You never know when you might run out of drinking water or come across a contaminated water source. A water filtration device or chemical treatment can save you from dehydration or waterborne illnesses.

Insect Repellent

Don't let pesky insects ruin your hiking trip. Carrying insect repellent can keep the bugs away and give you the freedom to hike the trails without worrying about being bitten or stung.


When nature calls, you need to be prepared. A trowel can be used to dig a small hole for your waste when nature calls. It's essential for practicing "leave no trace" principles and protecting the environment.

Protect Your Hiking Gear from Getting Wet

One of the biggest challenges of hiking is keeping your gear dry. Here are some tips to protect your gear from getting wet:

Dry Out Your Gear Whenever Possible

If your gear becomes wet, you need to dry it out as soon as possible. Hang your clothes and gear in a dry place or in the sun to let them dry out. Avoid packing wet gear as it can lead to mold and mildew growth.

Use Waterproof Containers

Using waterproof containers can be a lifesaver for protecting your gear from getting wet. Use dry bags or waterproof stuff sacks to store your gear. Additionally, use a waterproof backpack cover to protect your backpack from rain or snow.

Bring Along Rain Gear

Always bring along rain gear on your trip. Nothing is worse than getting drenched in the middle of your hike. A waterproof rain jacket and pants can keep you dry and comfortable during rainy weather. Additionally, bring along extra pairs of socks and clothes in case your initial gear gets wet.

Protect Your Electronics and Opt for Waterproof Electronics

In this digital age, hiking the Appalachian Trail doesn't mean you have to leave your electronics behind. However, electronics are costly, and you don't want to damage them on your journey. Here are some tips to protect your electronics while hiking:

Invest in a Waterproof Case

If you want to take electronic devices like phones or cameras with you, make sure they're protected in waterproof cases. Consider buying a slim and robust case that fits your device, and make sure to test the case before using it.

Waterproof Bags or Pouches

You can also opt for waterproof bags or pouches to protect your electronics from water damage. They're an affordable and effective way to keep your electronics dry, and you can store them in your backpack for easy access.

Use Silica Gel Packs

Silica gel packs help to absorb moisture and keep electronic devices dry. You can insert them into your electronic gadget's waterproof case, or keep them inside your bag to prevent moisture buildup.

Watch for Changing Weather Conditions

Weather can be unpredictable, and hikers need to be aware of the changing weather conditions on the Appalachian Trail. Here are some tips about changing weather conditions you should know:

Check the Weather Forecast

Before starting your hike, it's important to check the weather forecast for the day and the next few days. Keep track of any changes in weather and plan your hike accordingly.

Be Prepared

Be prepared for anything, especially at higher elevations where the weather is unpredictable. Carry rain gear, extra layers of clothing, a headlamp, and enough food and water if the weather worsens.

Sign Up for Weather Alerts

You can sign up for weather alerts through various smartphone apps or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). It will help you stay informed and alert you if there are any weather warnings.

Strategies for Choosing the Right Gear

If you're unfamiliar with the Appalachian Trail, choosing the right gear can be a challenge. However, with a bit of research and preparation, you can ensure that you have everything you need to enjoy a successful hike. Here are some strategies for choosing the right gear.

Research and Recommendations

One of the most important things you can do when choosing gear for an Appalachian Trail hike is to do your research. Look for recommendations from fellow hikers who have completed the trail or are experienced in long-distance hiking. Online forums and reviews can be a great source of information for finding high-quality gear that will meet your needs.

Online forums and reviews

There are several online forums and review sites that cater specifically to hikers and outdoors enthusiasts. These resources can be an invaluable source of information when researching gear options. Many sites allow users to leave detailed reviews of products they have used, providing insight into the durability, comfort, and overall quality of a particular piece of gear.

Outdoor retailers

Outdoor retailers can also be a great resource for researching and purchasing gear. Many retailers employ knowledgeable staff that can provide recommendations based on your specific needs and budget. Additionally, retailers often offer product reviews and customer ratings on their websites, making it easier to get a sense of what to expect from a particular item.

Thru Hiking community

The thru-hiking community, especially those who are interested in the Appalachian Trail, is a close-knit and supportive network of experienced hikers. Joining this community, either online or in person, can be a great way to get advice and recommendations on gear. You may be able to find a mentor who can offer personalized advice on gear choices and help you navigate the challenges of long-distance hiking.

Prioritize Function and Weight

When choosing gear for an Appalachian Trail hike, it's important to prioritize function and weight. Every item you carry on the trail must serve a specific purpose, and it should be as lightweight as possible to reduce the strain on your body. Here are some tips for achieving this balance.

Avoid overpacking

Overpacking is one of the most common mistakes newbie hikers make when embarking on a long-distance hike. Remember that every item you pack will add weight to your load, so make sure you truly need everything you bring with you. Focus on essential items, like your shelter, sleeping bag, and cooking gear, and leave behind things that are nice to have but not strictly necessary. Also, before you head out on your big trip, do smaller local hikes to test the weight and importance of everything you pack. It is better to make adjustments before you hit the Appalachian Trail.

Utilize multi-purpose items

Another way to keep your pack weight down is to use gear that serves multiple purposes. For example, a lightweight down jacket can function as a pillow or headrest at night, and a hiking pole can double as a support for your tent. Look for gear that has multiple uses to maximize efficiency and convenience on the trail.

Test gear before hiking

Finally, be sure to test your gear before hitting the trail. This will give you an opportunity to identify any issues before you're on the trail and help you make adjustments as needed. Try setting up your shelter in the backyard, cooking a meal on your stove, and sleeping in your sleeping bag to make sure everything is functioning as it should.

Building the Perfect Gear List for Hiking the Appalachian Trail

If you're planning a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, one of the most important things you'll need to do is build the perfect gear list. With over 2,000 miles of rugged terrain, varied weather conditions, and long stretches between resupplies, you need to bring the right gear to ensure your safety and comfort. Here are some tips for building the perfect gear list for hiking the Appalachian Trail.

First, focus on the essentials. These include your shelter, sleeping bag, food, water, first aid kit, and clothing. When choosing a shelter, consider the weight, durability, and ease of setup. Many hikers opt for lightweight and compact tents or hammocks. For your sleeping bag, choose one that is warm enough for the temperatures you'll encounter on the trail, but also lightweight and compressible.

Next, think about your clothing layers. Layers are essential for regulating body temperature, as the weather can vary greatly from one day to the next. You'll want to bring a base layer, mid-layer, insulation layer, and waterproof layer to protect against rain and wind. Don't forget to pack a warm hat and gloves as well.

When it comes to your backpack, choose one that's comfortable and has enough space to carry all your gear, food, and water. A 50-60 liter pack is usually sufficient for most hikers. Remember, the more weight you carry, the harder the trail will be, so be mindful of what you pack.

For footwear, choose sturdy and comfortable hiking boots with good tread. Many hikers also opt for trail runners as they are lighter and more comfortable for long-distance hiking. Whichever footwear you choose, make sure you break them in before hitting the trail.

Other gear you may want to consider includes trekking poles, a headlamp, a water filter, and a stove for cooking meals. Finally, don't forget about safety gear such as a whistle, bear spray, and a map and compass.

Building the perfect gear list for hiking the Appalachian Trail takes careful consideration and planning. By focusing on the essentials and choosing gear that is lightweight, durable, and suits your specific needs, you can hike the trail safely and comfortably.

How to Prepare for the Appalachian Trail

Here are some tips on how to prepare for the Appalachian Trail:

  1. Train physically: Hiking the Appalachian Trail requires a high level of physical fitness. You should start training early by doing cardio exercises and strength training. You can also train by hiking on trails near your home.
  2. Research the trail: Learn about the terrain, the weather conditions, and the potential natural hazards along the Appalachian Trail. This information will help you plan and prepare better for your hike.
  3. Plan your itinerary: Decide on the length of your hike and how long you want to take to complete it. Factor in rest days, town visits to restock supplies, and possible weather delays.
  4. Purchase gear: Invest in high-quality gear that’s both lightweight and comfortable. You’ll need a tent, sleeping bag, backpack, hiking boots, a stove for cooking, and a first aid kit. You should also pack a water filtration system, headlamp, navigation tools, and extra food.
  5. Practice hiking with a weighted backpack: Start practicing hiking with a weighted backpack early on. This will help prepare your body and mind for the weight you’ll be carrying on the trail.
  6. Learn basic wilderness survival skills: Brushing up on basic wilderness survival skills such as campsite setup, first aid, and orienteering will be essential for a safe hiking experience.
  7. Connect with fellow hikers: Join online forums, attend hiking events, and connect with fellow hikers to get tips, tricks and advice on the trail.

What time of year should I hike the Appalachian Trail?

The best time of year to hike the Appalachian Trail will depend on a variety of factors, including your hiking experience, your gear, and your personal preferences. Generally, the trail is open year-round, but most hikers choose to hike between April and September, when the weather is most favorable.

How long does an AT thru-hike take?

An Appalachian Trail thru-hike typically takes between five and seven months to complete, depending on your pace and schedule. Most hikers start in the spring and finish in the fall, taking advantage of the cooler temperatures and moderate weather.

How often will I need to change gear on an AT thru-hike?

Gear will typically need to be replaced periodically throughout an Appalachian Trail thru-hike. This is particularly true for items like shoes, which may need to be replaced every 500-700 miles. Other items, like clothing and sleeping gear, may last longer but will eventually need to be replaced as well. It's important to keep an eye on the wear and tear of your gear and replace items as needed to ensure your safety and comfort on the trail.

Appalachian Trail Etiquette

Appalachian Trail etiquette is an important aspect of being a responsible and respectful hiker. Some common etiquette guidelines include practicing Leave No Trace principles, managing noise levels, being considerate of other hikers, and respecting the natural environment.

Additionally, it's important to be knowledgeable about the regulations and guidelines for the trail and to follow them carefully to ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment.

About Stio

Stio connects you with the outdoors through quality products infused with a mountain soul. Proudly operating from Jackson Hole, WY, we take inspiration from our natural surroundings and put it into every piece of apparel we make. From technical performance to aesthetics, Stio outfits you with exceptional products for unforgettable outdoor experiences.


What Clothes Should I Pack?

Your clothes should depend on the season you are hiking in. For Spring and Fall, pack clothing that you can layer, including a warm jacket and a waterproof shell. In Summer, you might want to opt for lighter clothes. It's advisable to pack moisture-wicking clothing such as synthetic or wool fabrics instead of cotton.

What About Footwear?

One of the most important things you need for hiking the Appalachian Trail is a durable pair of boots. They should fit comfortably and have excellent arch and ankle support. Sandals and sneakers may seem like a good option, but they won't protect your feet in rough terrain. Don't forget to pack a pair of camp shoes to wear around your campsite.

What is the Recommended Weight of Backpack?

A backpack's weight should never exceed 20% of your body weight. If you're a beginner, you might want to aim for 10-15% and later build up to a heavier pack. It's advisable to invest in a backpack with a comfortable frame and padded shoulder straps.

What Camping Gear Should I Bring?

Some essential camping gear to bring includes a tent, sleeping bag, and sleeping pad. Your tent should be lightweight, easy to set up, and able to withstand harsh weather conditions. Your sleeping bag should be warm enough to keep you comfortable throughout the night.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail can be a great experience if you have the right gear, protect your electronics, and watch out for changing weather conditions. Don't forget to follow the Leave No Trace principles and respect the trail and the environment. Happy hiking!

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