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Pinecone, Acorn—Or Urban Legend?

Film By Kirk Horton

Stio's logo has often been a topic for debate, so we took to the streets and slopes with our friends at the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation to set the record straight. Our logo? It's a Whitebark Pinecone. Check out the deeper story of this humble seed that’s the key to holding together an entire ecosystem.

The Inspiration Behind Our Logo
In the harsh, high elevations of the Tetons and other ranges across the West grows an unlikely symbol of nature’s persistence and balance: the whitebark pine. Humble and hardy, it thrives where few other trees survive, providing people and wildlife with irreplaceable shelter and sustenance. Inspired by this simple, functional beauty, we adopted the whitebark pinecone as the symbol of our brand and incorporate that ethos into every garment we make. Now endangered due to the effects of climate change, we’re doing our part to protect it through this collaboration, ensuring our logo continues to honor a living tree, rather than memorialize a species we’ve lost.

In honor of the simple, functional beauty of the whitebark pine that inspired our logo, 5% of sales from this limited-edition collection will go to protect this now-endagered species through the good work of our partners at the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation.

Women's Whitebark Pocket TeeWomen's Whitebark Pocket Tee
Prairie Petal swatch
Cactus Shadow swatch
Morning Frost swatch
Women's Whitebark Pocket Tee
Men's Whitebark Pocket TeeMen's Whitebark Pocket Tee
Morning Frost swatch
Raven swatch
Men's Whitebark Pocket Tee
Stio x Whitebark HatStio x Whitebark Hat
Khaki swatch
Stio x Whitebark Hat

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