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High Points: The Bicentennial Project

By Stio Mountain on
 High Points: The Bicentennial Project

After six years of pushing peaks, Stio Ambassador Christy Mahon became the 7th person and the first woman to ski all of Colorado's 14ers in 2010. That was just the beginning of what would become a project of epic magnitude. In 2016 Christy, alongside her husband Ted Mahon and friend Chris Davenport, became the first people to summit and ski Colorado's 100 highest peaks. It was an accomplishment that earned Christy and team a nomination for National Geographic's Adventurers Of The Year Award in 2016.

Now, Christy's pursuit of backyard adventure continues as she and Ted work to ski the Bicentennials, Colorado's 200 highest peaks.

Watch Christy Mahon talk live about The Bicentennial Project, skiing, women in mountaineering, trail etiquette and more in an Instagram Live Session.

"I think I keep going back to the mountains because it's just a place to feel a little unattached and to feel a little wild."

- Christy Mahon

"This is skiing just on the weekends, so there's a lot that goes into that. I would work until friday at 5, we would get in the car, we would drive five hours down to Telluride or the San Juans, get up at 3:30 after sleeping in the truck or at the trail head and start skinning in."

- Christy Mahon

"The goal is to tire ourselves out so much on the weekend that you can go sit at the office on Monday." - Christy Mahon

"I think the 14er project has taught me that even though I'm an accomplished mountaineer, I still have bouts of insecurities. It's not like I go out and I'm this super woman and just crush everything. I deal with a lot of the same things that we all deal with. Accomplishing these things shows you that you can actually do more than you think you can."

- Christy Mahon

"We've skied 125, so 75 to go. It's a little bit more of a goal to finish before we're too old to ski all of them. I'd like to be done in 5 years."

- Christy Mahon

Photos by Ted Mahon

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